Why motivation does not work?
Feuilletons 7 February 2017 Krzysztof Sadecki
As a trainer and coach, I often hear that training does not work. And that’s true! How does it happen? Do you know people who go to so many trainings, come back to everyday life with a better vision of themselves, and then within 48 hours drop back to a low awareness level? Why motivation does not work and developmental enthusiasm increases only temporarily?
Today, I motivate others to a successful transformation of their lives, because for me, it has been a long way. I started with very limited opportunities, as a young boy with no ambitions or plans. I was a member of the underclass on the brink of going to prison. I took up odd jobs. One time, working as a cleaner for a wealthy lady in our city, I simply asked her: how can I have what you have? To my astonishment, she gave me 50 zloty and told me that now I had a choice: I could spend this money on beer and fun or I could buy myself a book to be found on the bookstore shelf “Personal Development”. After some hesitation, I finally chose… a book on visualising your goals. That was my beginning. This was the most important step then: taking the decision and being ready to act.
For motivation to appear there must be acting! Therefore, the first step to any personal transformations will always be decision. Even after the best training, you must decide, “I go for it,” if you want to achieve anything! Successful people start the change quickly and confidently, and then they consistently follow this line. This sets them apart from the rest.
The driving force behind motivation will be a clear vision of your goals, combined with a full focus and energy directed at what you aspire to. But also the awareness that you leave your comfort zone and improve every day will be necessary. The greatest discovery for my clients often is that great changes are not achieved through instant revolutions, but through adequate motivation drive. This means regular work supporting the vision for 10 minutes, for 24 hours and finally seven days a week. This means development and implementation of effective habits, which successfully lead to the fulfilment of your goals and achieving your dreams. One of the first change-inducing habits will be your way of expressing yourself. Drop such phrases as “I can’t do it,” “I am unable to,” or “Not yet” from your dictionary. This will allow you to get rid of many limitations.
Developmental enthusiasm is the greatest enemy of people falling into the “development trend”, for there are no shortcuts here. To achieve success, to maintain your motivation for growth, you will have to consciously build a new version of yourself. This is why I lead my clients through an amazing process, which is the Fire Walk. It is a total transformation through a literal burning of your old self. You recognise your weaknesses, you face up to your fear and wrong beliefs, and you learn again how to overcome them – for can anything stop you once you have walked through fire? Remember that vision without action is only an illusion. Motivation is high when the action is regular. So do not waver, take a firm decision, start acting and go for it!
Przeczytaj ten artykuł w wersji polskiej: http://www.businessmantoday.org/dlaczego-motywacja-dziala/
Krzysztof Sadecki
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