Where do you start from?
Feuilletons 3 February 2017 Krzysztof Sadecki
I have been thinking that regardless of the sphere of life, we desire change but … we are afraid of change and that blocks our actions. Probably it’s not the same for everyone, but I suppose that in most of us it lies dormant somewhere and there is greater disbelief in our own strength.
Thus, we are stuck with dreams that seem impossible for us to fulfil and we accumulate, on the one hand, the reasons for dissatisfaction, on the other the unwillingness to take action. Meanwhile, we have a choice. We remain in the state of frustration and keep guessing about the obstacles in the way, or move the wheel of fortune in small steps. Believe me, it’s just the first step that causes movement, the movement, which introduces improvements in all areas of life I know what I am writing about, because I have experienced the dilemmas of women maturing. That what gave me joy before, eventually became routine and routine is apathy. At some point we cease to notice how the way we look changes, how our passions are diluted, as in the end we cease to desire anything. And so, when I noticed that I was standing on the slippery slope I said to myself: Stop! Do something! At the beginning I wanted to go back to my original appearance and it’s not because that I was exaggerating my internal appearance, but because it’s all a connected system … That’s the reason they invented the slogan: a healthy mind in a healthy body. I started looking for something that would give me quick results and would not be consuming too much time. In the end, I also have a family and all the responsibilities of women in the modern world. I could not afford lengthy and time-consuming exercises in a gym or fitness club. Then I found a wonderful device for electrostimulation of muscles.
Not only did I return to my old appearance, and even I will immodestly say it was much better, and not only have I found a new passion, which is the engine of life and it is even turning into a business that gives considerable satisfaction. This has given me power to operate and still I want to have something again. I’m developing myself. Together with a friend, the owner of fast growing business called Beauty Clinic, the entire system works on restoring women’s desire to live and take everything that we can from it. Today I am pleased to see how energy and the joy of life is returning to my clients … Just a small step is enough. What do I strongly advise against? Planning changes immediately and covering a large range of whether it is for our health, appearance or any area of life. Throwing it into a large mass of water is heavily overrated. It may be that it surpasses us, and that simply is something we won’t control. Then we turn to another profession and that is the best way to apathy. Let us build ourselves gradually, in small stretches. Each and even the smallest of successes makes us grow in faith in our own abilities. People have one problem. In general, we all know what we do not want to experience, but almost no one knows what he or she really wants from life and it is not so easy to turn our dreams into something definite. So I encourage you to let those dreams flow, live our own lives, and we will make this tiny step. You have to start somewhere! Stay tuned for the next part because I’ll be with you every month.
I welcome you for consultation.
Przeczytaj ten artykuł w wersji polskiej: http://www.businessmantoday.org/czegos-trzeba-zaczac/
Krzysztof Sadecki
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