The rush of life and attitude to it
Feuilletons 3 February 2017 Krzysztof Sadecki
It is said that the curse of our times is the omnipresent rush. Perhaps it is already a threadbare topic, but I have some thoughts on this issue and I would like to share them with you.
We all know that on one hand, we want to be “cool and fit”, on the other hand, we don’t have time for anything.
The Dalai Lama, one of the greatest gurus of modern times, very accurately summed it up in responding to the question of what surprises him most in people. I will not quote in full and I refer back to the source, but in a nutshell the idea is that at first by ignoring the needs of our body we chase after the so-called career and good financial status, then we spend everything on … treatment. Probably many of you know how it is when besides work, there is still so much to do, so many meetings to hold etc.,, so when we usually return home in the evening, we do not have the strength to do anything but just flop in front of the TV, colloquially speaking. I used the colloquialism especially to illustrate the situation more, because we do not sit down but we just sink to the seat.
What then happens to our spine? The spine, which is our mast sustaining all life functions, is simply strained. That’s how I see the relationship of the eternal rush of momentum with our attitude.
I shall not dwell on the relation between the state of our spine with the operation of all bodily organs, because I’m not a medic, but it’s not hard to imagine.
What then do we have to do so that “the wolf is satisfied and the sheep remains alive”? Ironically, I begin by reflecting on the meaning of our race against time. Maybe it is worth slowing down a little, stopping even for a moment to think: Where am I rushing to? Where am I in a hurry to? And is it certainly the most important thing?
In this great rush we should be a little careful about not getting lost in ourselves on the way, and the most important thing is to think about is not ruining our health, because then our rush certainly would not lead us to the desired goal.
If we have to live at such a great speed then at least we should manage this time rationally. Let’s find a place in it for ourselves, for the needs of our spirit and body. I myself struggled with this problem some time ago. It seemed to me that I could fight for my health and fitness.
Where else would we find the time having a small child and a house to run, and many other things, on the time-consuming rehabilitation, back problems after an accident and tedious exercises at the gym or fitness club in order to keep fit? It was a wonderful twist of fate that I found out about power workouts lasting only 21 minutes and replacing 3-4 hour exercises at the gym. Now I know that the saying: “There’s a healthy mind in a healthy body” is true. I’m fit and I’ve got time for everything and for myself and that’s what I wish you, too.
I am here for you. See you a
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