The organization of work in the company how to achieve 120% norm as a standard?
Lifestyle 3 February 2017 Krzysztof Sadecki
The organization of work in the company is based on the prevailing relationship between employees regardless of the career levels which they find themselves at. The key to success is to have good management in the company and you should not assume that workers themselves will seek to increase its productivity and efficiency. A good manager should make clear targets and effectively enforce them.
An efficient company is a well-organized company. The Pareto Principle reflects the assumption that 80% of our business will bring only 20% benefits. It is important to make the most of the 20% and squeeze 80% efficiency out of them. The organization of work in the company is based on the prevailing relationship between employees regardless of the career levels which they find themselves at. The key to success is to have good management in the company and you should not assume that workers themselves will seek to increase its productivity and efficiency. A good manager should make clear targets and effectively enforce them. It is important to correctly interpret the progress of the implementation of their objectives and learn the necessary lessons and not be afraid of the consequences. The lack of consistency in the activities may lead to the erosion of the entire mechanism of the company and reduce efficiency. An important step is to build the appropriate structure for our company. There will be chaos without a structured hierarchy.
H. Leavitt, an outstanding strategist, expert and representative of a group of researchers in the science of management, singled out five major sub-organizations:
• objectives and values – describing the vision and mission of the organization, its role in the proximal and distal environment and the strategy for functioning;
• psychosocial – characterized by participants in organizations, attitudes, motivation, culture, core values and beliefs;
• technical – technology, knowledge and skills, buildings, equipment and other accessories;
• structure – showing the distribution of tasks within the organization, access to information, hierarchy, formalization, responsibility and authority; • management – focusing on coordinating other subsystems and agreeing a strategy leading to the success of the organization.
Creating a corporate structure (hierarchy) – the basics
The structure of the hierarchy is a system that aims to identify the way in which we operate, and specify the appropriate distribution of tasks and their co-ordination. Dynamic structures (ad-hoc) are becoming increasingly popular in recent times. Indeed, these techniques allow efficient management of working time, but do they give us the ability to control? They do so in large corporations, but in our business, which has just taken off, it can be problematic. So how do you create the right organizational structure? For starters we should transcribe all the processes that take place in our company and subsequently analyze each process in terms of its technical aspects, manufacturing, finance, accounting and organizational control. We then outline the functional structure that will adapt to the needs of our business. We must see to it that the scope of responsibilities of the different units and departments do not double up. We do not want to multiply unnecessary entities that will generate unnecessary costs for us. It should also be remembered that strategic planning has this attribute that it cannot be based only on control and accounting issues. Numerical reality (accountant) does not reflect the realities of quality control of work. Remember that it’s not the number of employees in the department that influences the quality of work of that department, but a good separation of functions tailored to responsibilities. Each employee must know their place in the company and the scope of their duties and then we can start thinking about success.
Building a management system. The management system in our company.
In order to write about the management system, you first need to know what will be managed. Each company is in fact a kind of organization that is governed by laws established by the state, culture and, perhaps above all, by the owners and employees.
H. Leavitt, an outstanding strategist, expert and representative of a group of researchers in the science of management, singled out five major suborganizations:
• objectives and values – describing the vision and mission of the organization, its role in the proximal and distal environment and the strategy for functioning;
• psychosocial – characterized by participants in organizations, attitudes, motivation, culture, core values and beliefs;
• technical – technology, knowledge and skills, buildings, equipment and other accessories; • structure – showing the distribution of tasks within the organization, access to information, hierarchy, formalization, responsibility and authority;
• management – focusing on coordinating other subsystems and agreeing a strategy leading to the success of the organization
Having already seen five major sub-organizations, and in this case also our company, we can create our own system of management. We need to pay special attention to the structure of the organization, hierarchy, which is to control a range of activities in individual parts of the enterprise and the size of these activities. Let us remember – the more defined the areas of competence are, the easier it is to control all company processes. The precision in constructing areas is very important too. Often, the lack of clarity causes conflict and disorganization associated with bad action and erroneous interpretation of the separation of levels of responsibility. An employee who receives certain powers, should have such a range of information, enabling it to properly carry out their duties while the scope of this should be so limited that during the termination of employment, the employee does not have key information that could be given to competitors.
The objectives and monitoring progress.
When we established our business, we set ourselves both short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. These goals create a task that we have to outsource to appropriate personnel. The delegation of strategy and proper distribution of tasks and resources will enable us to achieve all our goals sooner.
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Krzysztof Sadecki
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