“Innovation” – how to understand this word? In the traditional meaning, innovation is an introduction of a new quality and value. Business innovation is a set of actions, which are meant to give a better quality and efficiency in running a business. Before talking about introducing innovation, we must ask some basic questions: Why are we doing this? What results are we expecting? What barriers are we going to encounter along the way, and how to overcome them?
If we don’t ask the right questions, we don’t get the right answers. Then, the innovation starts fading away, and everything what’s being created is the answer to the question of demand for a certain product.
Introducing innovative business solutions is a process in a way, a certain procedure. For example, a company called Kultura Kobiet (Women’s Culture) is introducing an innovation exactly in the procedure. One of the subjects, of which the company is the owner, is the equipment for SPAs and beauty parlours. An example of innovation in this procedure is the fact that Kultura Kobiet rents their equipment to the owners of SPAs and beauty parlours for a few hours, thanks to which the user of such equipment has access to the technology, which he wouldn’t be able to afford on his own. Let’s move forward. Business is thinking. Preferably out of the box kind of thinking. This gives an opportunity to become unique. So far, men’s approach towards business was considered unique, which guaranteed a man to become successful in the business field. Today, women are becoming more and more unique, often being the heads of big firms and companies. Let’s remember that we don’t notice achievements in the innovation field on a daily basis. They are mentioned on special occasions, such as contests or galas, when we choose the best product, brand, or prize winner, who will receive an award for an innovative approach towards business and introduction of unique solutions to the business.
Anna Łyszczek
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