Euro(analysis) – victory encoded in mind
Feuilletons 7 February 2017 Łukasz Milewski
It was a very good day. Only 30 minutes until the much-awaited game of Poland in football. A historical chance was before us – a possibility of reaching the semi-final, only Portugal was in the way.
Empty streets, the referee’s first whistle, and that silence, which only after 100 seconds became national ecstasy. Robert Lewandowski scored a goal, and everything looked as though we’re on a good track to be in the semi-final. We all know the result. Instead of pushing forward and attacking, we decided to defend the result.
Victory encoded in the mental attitude.
The World slowly begins to comprehend that talent is a lot, but it’s still not enough. Being technically and physically prepared is not enough. The best coach and his strategy can also turn out to be insufficient. The art of winning usually takes place on a mental level, long before the first whistle. Seeing the results of the tournament, we can see that the victorious team was not necessarily the best in the statistics described before. It was a mental victory above anything else, connected with the determination and hunger for winning. Cristiano Ronaldo is the personification of that attitude. Always 100% committed – there are legends about how little Ronaldo was the first one to attend training sessions and the last one to finish them. That attitude of a true leader remained in him to this day. His behaviour on the substitute bench, after the unlucky injury in the final, will remain in our heads for many years. He never lets go, and every success motivates him even more. He always aims to achieve more. Do you need any proof?
German machine, which began to scrunch. No matter if the Germans win World Championship, or if they drop out in the semifinals, we can say that they always fight until the end. When observing the development of this team, we can see one important pattern in their attitude: like no other team in the World, when the Germans score a goal, they momentarily focus all their strength on scoring another one. They won many games and tournaments this way. Nowadays, using the services of a mental coach doesn’t surprise anyone. The best professionals from around the World, such as Andre Agassi, Serena Williams, Agnieszka Radwańska, or our national team of World Volleyball Champions, cooperate with qualified people. It turns out that the result is a matter of practice, technique, and a mind that is ready for success, which I sincerely wish to our contestants during the upcoming Olympics.
Łukasz Milewski
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