Czy warto zaufać pracownikom?
FinancesInvestmentsLifestylePersonality 12 September 2023
Czy warto zaufać pracownikom? Kontrola i zaufanie, choć zdają się wzajemnie wykluczać, mają ogromne znaczenie w procesie zarządzania pracownikami. Współczesne organizacje coraz częściej decydują się na równowagę pomiędzy tymi aspektami, maksymalizując płynące z nich korzyści. Odpowiednie rozłożenie akcentów pozwala na skuteczne zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi. Przede wszystkim, każdy pracownik zasługuje... Read more
3 kroki do pięknej cery latem! Kompleksowa pielęgnacja skóry w wakacje
LifestylePersonality 19 June 2023
Lato to czas, gdy nasza skóra jest szczególnie narażona na działanie szkodliwych czynników zewnętrznych. Intensywne promienie UV, wysoka temperatura, suche powietrze z klimatyzacji, mogą prowadzić do szeregu problemów skórnych, takich jak poparzenia słoneczne, przesuszenie, nadmierna potliwość czy trudności w utrzymaniu równowagi pH skóry. Powodów jest wiele, dlatego warto zaopatrzyć... Read more
The Luxury Brand of the Year 2022 Gala
EventsFeuilletonsInvestmentsLifestylePersonality 26 September 2022
The Luxury Brand of the Year Gala and the preceding Luxury Trade Fair is the only event on a national scale gathering leading representatives of the premium sector from Poland and around the world. The evening’s culmination is the presentation of prestigious statuettes, which will not only reward the... Read more
Playing the guitar, which originally was intended only as a way to romance girls, became my passion, and later the love of my life. The beginning was not easy. I didn’t have my own instrument, so I borrowed one from my neighbors in Mokotow. Three days from one, three... Read more
Anna Maria Anders
Personality 13 June 2019
Let’s go back a bit… what brought you to Polish activism? I was born to Polish immigrants and grew up in this society. Besides this, I was influenced by my family’s history. My father, General Wladislaw Anders, was a symbol, both to Poles in Poland during the Communist era... Read more
You are the Chief of the Board for CWK Oper-ator (a private business which for the last three years has been managing the G2A Arena by re-quest of the County Government); perhaps you could reflect on this from the perspective of how the structure in question has functioned over... Read more
From passion to business – MARIUSZ CZERKAWSKI
Personality 14 December 2018 0
The date of the Third Annual Mini Ice Hockey Tournament is fast approaching: The Czerkawski Cup, which is to be held on at the Winter National 2017. Can you elaborate a bit on the concept of this event? The Third Annual Mini Hockey Tournament on the Winter National is made... Read more
Passion and paradox – Kamil Romel
Personality 14 December 2018 0
If you have an idea and your intuition says “go for it” – act on it. You will be successful, you may fail. But thanks to this you will learn who you are. You are an athlete, and sport to a certain degree, means keeping in balance, so we would... Read more
The Queen of MALE sport – Ewa Brodnicka
Personality 14 December 2018 0
It doesn’t matter how many times we fall. All that matters is that we have the strength to keep going after a defeat. To start off, let’s go a bit back into the past; what happened to the idea of performing on Dancing with the Stars? Pure coincidence conceived... Read more
What we do to day, we do for generations to come – Rafał Wasik
Personality 14 December 2018 0
You live by the words “what we do today, we do for generations to come”; please tell us how this motto came to be? Social trends led by non-government and international organisations influence the future of all societies on a global scale. Changes occur when it comes to the... Read more