Włoska pizza od lat podbija serca Polaków. W krótkim czasie doczekała się wielu modyfikacji, które rażąco wpłynęły na jej smak. Pizza neapolitana jest uznawana za pierwowzór dania, które obecnie znamy, w Polsce jest jeszcze mało popularna, w przeciwieństwie do innych krajów Europy. Istnieje tylko kilka restauracji, które mogą poszczycić się... Read more
Święta i Sylwester w Pałacu Mortęgi
Events 14 December 2021
Grudzień w Pałacu Mortęgi – pełen uroku, wrażeń i najpiękniejszych wspomnień z dzieciństwa! Pałac Mortęgi to klimatyczne miejsce usytuowane w samym sercu Mazur Zachodnich. Grudzień, to ten szczególny miesiąc, gdzie co roku zatrzymuje się tutaj czas. Baśniowy urok tego wyjątkowego zakątka przenosi nas do czasów dzieciństwa, jak również ukazuje... Read more
International Human Rights Commission,European Union ?? is once again an international observer in the Extraordinary Parliamentary Election 21.07.2019 in Ukraine
Events 29 June 2019
International Human Rights Commission,European Union ?? is once again an international observer in the Extraordinary Parliamentary Election 21.07.2019 in Ukraine ?? ? https://www.cvk.gov.ua/…/vnd20…/wp044pt001f01=919pt164f01=95 Team IHRC: ✍️?? 253.Babris Arnolds 254 Badziąg Grzegorz 255 Baraulia Volha 256 Barton Maciej 257 Boubekeur Abdelkader 279 Vallas Marcellu 280 Wasik Rafal Marcin 281 Wasik... Read more
Poles and a jew collaborating and together achieving success? A scenario straight out of the Promised Land and rarely seen these days, but on Wall Street anything is possible. The three entrepreneurs started a company which in a smaller of 18 months was bought out for millions and became... Read more
Events 13 June 2019
It isn’t exactly a new topie, that we discuss the issue of integration in respects to Poland and the Polonia elements around the world,firstly as an important sociological aspect, and second as an element which influences the way Poland is perceived internationally. A united people can achieve ore, which... Read more
Uczestnicy Forum Liderów Rozwoju 26 lutego uczyli się skutecznych technik sprzedaży, zarządzania i motywacji!
Events 12 June 2019
Four incredible speakers and coaches, a major injection of substantive knowledge and motivation, and over three hundred participants – that is an abbreviated version of how things went at the Developmental Leaders Forum (FLR) conference on February 26th, 2019 at the G2A Arena. February 26th at the G2A Arena... Read more
At the G2A Arena in Jasionka near Rzeszow, Business Without Limits meetings are an annual occurrence. Outstanding representatives of business, science, and government discuss the most important economic issues. Business that knows no limits? Business whose primary directive is development? There are many roles and functions of business. Some... Read more
26 January 2017 was the date of the Paris fashion show of the couture creations of Maison Anouf. This year, Ylan Anouf not only shows us a new line of clothes, but also another face; the face of an artist and sculptor. His primary motif is one of the... Read more
On 17 February 2017, the most prestigious awards ceremony in the country of Poland was held by the National Awards Centre at the Warsaw Sheraton Hotel – the Polish Exclusive. The most outstanding business personalities and best employers were also given awards at the gala. The seventh edition of the... Read more
“Personalities and Successes” Gala
Events 20 February 2017
Just after the 5th Edition of “Personalities and Successes” Gala On the 11th April, in Courtyard Hotel by Marriot Warsaw Airport, another edition of prestigious “Personalities and Successes” Gala was held. This memorable event was hosted by: Adela Warać, in a beautiful dress from Dorota Goldpoint, and Paweł Zakrzewski.... Read more