![Business on the Internet, is it worth it?](http://www.businessmantoday.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/biznes-w-internecie-1024x683-640x300.jpg)
![Business on the Internet, is it worth it?](http://www.businessmantoday.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/biznes-w-internecie-1024x683-750x350.jpg)
Business on the Internet, is it worth it?
Knowledge 3 February 2017 Krzysztof Sadecki
![Business on the Internet, is it worth it?](http://www.businessmantoday.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/biznes-w-internecie-1024x683-640x300.jpg)
„Even the furthest journey begins with the first step”
We live in really interesting times. Just a few years ago making money online without leaving your home seemed unthinkable. Of course, those in the United States knew about this for a long time, which for me is a kind of remarkable thing, because even 200 years ago antelopes were running around there. At the same time, for hundreds of years previously, Poland existed as a state, culture and science. Today, unfortunately, it is we, the Poles, as well as the whole of Europe who are learning from Americans.
It is no different in the Internet marketing industry, and the widely understood online business.
When you go back several years, you remember that having the Internet at home was a huge privilege and luxury. I clearly remember the days when only two or three of my classmates had the Internet. The speed was far from desired, but having cyberspace is what mattered. How is it today?
According to UN estimates, the number of people in the world, as at the end of 2014, having permanent access to the Internet amounted to 3 billion. That’s about 40% of the global population. Of this amount, 2 billion amount to the population of developing countries. The report of the International Telecommunication Union says that in Africa, the continent where the Internet is not accessible to most, its availability is expected to increase from 10 to 20%. At present, Europe leads the way all the time, where 75% of people have access to the network.
In Poland, the first Internet analog connection was launched on 26 September 1990 and it had a speed of 9600 bit / sec. However, it became available on 20 December 1991. In 1994 the government introduced its own website on the internet. In the same year the Internet became accessible to every citizen. Interestingly enough, Wirtualna Polska, the first online portal for Poles, made its debut in 1995. In the 1990s the Internet in Poland was crawling, and people were not convinced by it. Currently, Google reports that 77% of Poles have access to the Internet. It is a very good result.
These figures speak for themselves because we live in the so-called global village and thus, we can communicate properly with the whole world almost in the blink of an eyelid. Large companies and corporations have used the Internet for years, but only recently the so-called ‘home based business’ which is based business from home, has witnessed an increase and is available to virtually anyone who has a computer and Internet access.
The possibilities are literally endless. The main ones are:
1. Videomarketing (youtube)
2. Contentmarketing (blog)
3. Marketing on Facebook
4.Platform subscription (mainly the tools necessary to conduct business, such as webinars, auto responders, wizards pages)
5. Network Marketing
6. Affiliate Marketing
7. Online Stores
Of course, each of these contains a number of others sub points, as well as a lot of other, more elaborate pillars.
It is worth noting certain common aspects of each of these 7 ways of generating profits.
I do not think it will be anything revealing, when I check that every business needs people. I heard long ago from my mentor who always explained that the businessman is a man who has the people, products or services and profits. But the most important element is always the people, because without them the entire puzzle would not work effectively.
Just think for a moment…could a buoyant network such as McDonald’s exist without the people who work there, and without the ever returning customers? Could mobile phone operators exist if there wasn’t anyone who use the phone?
This is obvious, isn’t it?
Business is based on sales, and so we have to somehow attract customers or partners. It has become common principle that people need to know us, like us, trust us, and then buy something from us.
What does it mean?
In a word, we need a system that attracts new people, build relationships, and also offers a product or service that responds to their needs. Everything sounds simple, but as life shows, it is a bit more complicated. The first question that we should ask ourselves is: Who is your ideal customer / partner?’ Who do we serve? (A businessman, who succeeds very well, serves people). How do you find the so-called niche business which is our sphere of activity? What I personally can recommend is that you should do something that is your passion and learn how to make money from it. Can every passion be turned into money? Unfortunately not, but that is an issue for another time. “Uncle Google” comes to our aid here, because thanks to one of ‘his’ tools, the so-called Google Planner, we can check the popularity of keywords, trends, and the frequency of demand for the product or service. For the man in the street, this means that it is the most normal thing in the world, where we can verify and analyze exactly what we are going to sell is often searched for on the Internet. What is it we need? More and more people, each month, are looking for a solution to your problem, which is part of, for example, the phrase “How to lose 20 kg in two weeks”. The greater the likelihood that you start, the more you will succeed in this particular area.
As I noted earlier, in order to have a business, you must have a system tool that will attract customers and partners to you, build relationships with them and sell them our products or services.
When we think of a traditional business, say a florist, it is clear that we need to have some space, equipment, interior and exterior design, as well as promotional materials such as leaflets, banners, advertisements in the press etc. It is also good when we are recommended or we get favourable recommendations, etc.
And what about the Internet?
Generally speaking, you need 5 components in order to develop an online business;
1. A Squeeze page
2. A Thank you page
3. an Auto responder
4. Offers
5. Web traffic
The site of this sort is a “decoy” or “bait”, whose sole task is to collect names and email addresses. Now surely you will ask yourself what is it all for? After all, can you immediately refer the person concerned to a given offer?
Unfortunately, many often do that and are then surprised to learn that “the business isn’t going well”. Think for a moment what percentage of people buy when they see a particular offer for the first time? Or, how many times have you bought something that you saw for the first time? Rarely! am I right? When we’re talking about a traditional store or shopping arcade, there is a good chance that you will return to the same place at a later date and if something does take your fancy, you buy it anyway.
However, on the Internet, there is a high probability that if a potential customer does not buy, seeing a particular offer, he does not go back to it again. What is the effect? Promoting the offer from the outset gives the viewer two possibilities:
1. He buys and becomes your customer and you have him in your database, CRM etc.
2. He leaves the page and you no longer have contact with him.
But the same person could buy having seen the offer for the second, third or more time, right? Remember that what I wrote earlier, that people need to know you, like you and trust you, so that you can sell them something (there are exceptions, but generally that is the rule).
But how can they like you if they haven’t seen you a second time? How do you build relationships with them when you never ‘come back’? That’s what a DECOY SITE is there for which we release to the forefront. It aims to collect the necessary data so that you can continue building relationships with the customer. Now think: “yes, but at this point we are losing people who would buy at once …” Nothing could be further from the truth, since this is a “Thank you” page, which I will tell you about in a moment.
Firstly, and fairly obviously, it’s just a ‘thank you’ for someone who has enrolled on the list (the so-called mailing list), or has simply left their e-mail address.
If you have promised that, in exchange for subscribing to a given list, you can give everyone a gift in the form of an eBook or some recordings, you should explain how to download it all.
However, the second function is something that does not apply to 99% of people working in internet marketing, and thus leave 80% of the money on the table.
This is where an experienced marketer, salesman and business person should offer people the opportunity to buy and who are immediately ready for it.
Two things then happen: people who are not ready to buy right away (have registered their name and e-mail address) end up in the so-called auto responder (more on that in a moment), and those who want to buy and do buy ( are also entered in the list).
Such treatment is aimed at rapid return on investment (e.g. Advertising).
This is a key solution, believe me. I’ve seen hundreds of businesses that do not have this solution in their marketing and the effect was that their ad was not viable or return came too late.
The auto responder tool puts together a mailing list, send messages and builds relationships with potential and existing customers.
Imagine that in one day 50 people signed up on your decoy site (SQ), of which 5 bought your product (from the “thank you” site). What should happen next during the entire marketing process?
The ideal solution would be to have 45 people that did not buy the first time round, and got a few more messages to encourage a purchase, because we can presume that since they signed up on the website, they are interested in the topic, isn’t that right?
And those 5 people who bought may yet get more expensive and powerful offers, right?
It is, at this point, that we begin to talk about the so-called sales funnel tunnel, which use the most successful people in the market, both globally and domestically.
I mentioned earlier about the auto responder. This tool is your answering machine and sends e-mail messages even when you are asleep. It is sufficient that, in advance, you plan the content of emails, the date and time of sending, and the rest will move without your input.
There are many systems for automated mailings on the market, including freebot.pl, benefiter.pl or getresponse.pl. If you want to try out one of them absolutely free for 30 days ,go to this page http:// bit.ly/getresponsepartner. You will also get instructions there on how to use this tool to handle your business.
What are the features of auto responder?
1. 1. Building a relationship with the customer
2. 2. Educating customers
3. 3. Upselling, i.e. for-sale
4. 4. Cross-selling or offering compatible products
This is not as simple as it seems. There is common belief that a good offer is put together in accordance with the AIDA rule.
note: you must arouse someone’s attention. You only have a moment for it, and usually this aspect coincides with a very carefully selected header. I – (interest) – raising interest: the effect we have achieved in the first few lines of our offer, otherwise, the potential customer “escapes” from the page.
raising interest: the effect we have achieved in the first few lines of our offer, otherwise, the potential customer „escapes” from the page.
at this point you need to ensure that your potential customer / partner is unable to take his eyes off and to get involved to the full in the process. You need to unravel his doubts and solve his main problems. Usually you refer here to a story (stories sell best), talking about the benefits of a product or service, you should also put recommendations of people who have already benefited from this.
action: at this point we ask our readers to share. And what is action in the case of an offer? The only desired action which your potential customer must take is pressing the “buy now” key. What is very important is for you to explain exactly what the moment is to make the person who reads it to take action. If something is to click, write it down. If you have somewhere to go and something to fill in, write it down. It all has to be clear instruction, since the volume of tests we have conducted shows that even the slightest hesitation and uncertainty about what to do at any given moment, causes you to lose the customer’s attention.
When we have put together our entire sales funnel, suitable for someone to hit on your SQ website and see what you have to offer, right?
In other words, you need to ‘connect’ the whole machine to move …
The best way is to use the existing resources. There are, after all, many sites on the Internet that are visited by a mass of people every day, right? And so we have to appear there in the right way and put a link on our decoy website . How and in what way do we do it? It is widely accepted that the method of downloading traffic to the site is divided into free and paid. However, none of these methods is free, because even if we do not spend money on advertising physically, we devote our time in implementing the ‘free’ methods.
Paid methods include advertising on Google AdWords, Facebook advertising, contextual ads, video sponsored marketing campaigns with other partners, i.e. JV.
Free methods include blogging, buzz marketing, commenting on forums, blogs, and regular posts on social media.
Przeczytaj ten artykuł w wersji polskiej: http://www.businessmantoday.org/biznes-internecie-ogole-mozna/