Businessman TOday
Have you ever wondered why some people who you work or cooperate with raise your confidence from the very first moments, and others cause annoyance or a negative impact on way you feel or on your mood? How is it that some are able to convince you to your... Read more
If you are working on the launch of a product on the market for a quarter or half a year,  focus on establishing relationships with people who in the future may prove of assistance in promotional activities and sales today. To do so, ‘start to dig a well before... Read more
A phishing attack is still the most efficient vector of attack on organizations and financial institutions. Despite the high level of awareness of the cyber risks, hackers still believe that this is one of the most favoured methods of attack. According to experts from Trend Micro, phishing is still... Read more
In accordance with Recommendation D banks should efficiently manage risks and reduce them. But in the case of banks, the most common risk reduction and prevention is, the so-called. putting out fires, if they explode. In contrast, successful defense also requires detecting and responding. These three factors, namely prevention,... Read more
Research conducted by Martin Lindstrom shows a clear relationship between the number of senses referred to by the brand, and the price of its products, namely the more senses the customer involved in the brand the higher its perceived value by the customer was. arising  is the choice of... Read more
The organization of work in the company is based on the prevailing relationship between employees regardless of the career levels which they find themselves at. The key to success is to have good management in the company and you should not assume that workers themselves will seek to increase... Read more
This simple phrase pierces me through. It severely comes to the fore, bringing back  the memories, which I hid somewhere deep in my mind. Rag apron There return unwanted times of Communistic Poland, accompanied by cold, not fresh herring and warm vodka. I only associate them with violet, as... Read more

Timeless elegance

Lifestyle 3 February 2017

Till recently, double-breasted jackets were regarded as a relic of the past times, but now,  in a refreshed form, they are very popular among modern beaus.. A glamorous tailcoat and a wool coat are precursors of double-breasted jackets. This piece of clothing entered the canons of elegant men’s fashion... Read more
The word DIET – as already know from personal experience that the majority of people with seasoned „headache” / thinking about what is in the word contains, and sometimes chills J. It is only identified in most nutritional systems that are in the crosshairs dropping „unnecessary burden” or weight... Read more
According to the latest report of IDC analytic and advisory company, global expenses on software for companies offered in the SaaS model will amount to 50.8 billion USD  in 2018. So, it’s not surprising that the observed high dynamics of growth and prognoses encourage startup founders to select this... Read more