Businessman TOday
Digital Networking, the tools of a good networker
Imagine that you just finished with a great conference and met a lot of interesting people. A few of these acquaintances seem to be promising, but after a few intense hours, you are no longer sure of who you agreed with on what or what was discussed, their faces... Read more
Business Without Limits Summit – No Limits Business!
At the G2A Arena in Jasionka near Rzeszow, Business Without Limits meetings are an annual occurrence. Outstanding representatives of business, science, and government discuss the most important economic issues. Business that knows no limits? Business whose primary directive is development? There are many roles and functions of business. Some... Read more
How to start running? The school of running according to Marcin Swierc
If you’re considering running, it’s a good idea to first get your head on straight and understand a few basic things. Why do we run? How much? What do we wear? How do we run? Do we simply run? And most importantly: what should we get out of it?... Read more
Value in its own – work as a virtue.
„Do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” – Confucius A useful stage in self-discovery is taking notice of the famous Confucian saying, “If you do what you love, you will never have to work.” This maxim is making quite the career in recent years,... Read more
Worker motivation myths
A lot has been said about motivation, yet some persistent myths about the subject keep popping up. Mostly, they arise from an incorrect understanding of the psychological basis of motivation.  Research shows that in more than 95% cases low work motivation is the result of bad management. Those mistakes are... Read more
A Donor’s Dilemma

A Donor’s Dilemma

Knowledge 14 December 2018 0

Helping those in need of a business enterprise is an element of good PR – looks good, adds prestige, and clears the company’s conscience. Should we always help? When can help do more harm than good? How do we choose a beneficiary, and is it possible to help without... Read more
Charity of a Marketer

Charity of a Marketer

Knowledge 14 December 2018 0

Charity is the source of many wonderful feelings. I only wonder, are these feelings a result of the fact that you are giving someone something that they need, or out of feeding your ego by giving someone something you have more than enough of and the other person doesn’t... Read more
Good or just expensive hands…?
They say that sport activities are good for health. But sports also mean money. We  advise counting     it when preparing for the next ski season, changing our bike, or getting involved in a new athletic discipline. That moment, when money becomes a major element of sports, also comes when... Read more
When time is the currency, it’s easy to overpay
Lessons in saving and investing for young people have a very big gap. They teach the individual the use of only one currency: money. Well, these small amounts that remain in the wallets of students, or even the first salary of aspiring corporate employees do not require too much... Read more
Why does handing out business cards not work?
Have you ever thought about the rules, which though do not guarantee success, enable us to avoid failure? You can find plenty of them on the internet. Some of them are a result of the life and business experiences of the authors, others are historical facts, and still others the... Read more