The Polish post-communist era entrepreneur
Feuilletons 13 June 2019
There is a theory that 99% of people born are slaves. It’s easier to obey orders than to think strategically and take responsibility for the consequences. But regardless of this, we seek freedom, though we don’t fully under-stand where freedom comes from and what can take it away. We... Read more
Playing the guitar, which originally was intended only as a way to romance girls, became my passion, and later the love of my life. The beginning was not easy. I didn’t have my own instrument, so I borrowed one from my neighbors in Mokotow. Three days from one, three... Read more
Anna Maria Anders
Personality 13 June 2019
Let’s go back a bit… what brought you to Polish activism? I was born to Polish immigrants and grew up in this society. Besides this, I was influenced by my family’s history. My father, General Wladislaw Anders, was a symbol, both to Poles in Poland during the Communist era... Read more
Catch a chill…
Knowledge 13 June 2019
We live in times when we are expected to look young and beautiful forever, have only success, have new ideas, and be seen at trendy locations… sleep lit-tle, eat less or way too much, and function at 120%… but is this possible? As a psychologist and psychotherapist, I see... Read more
You are the Chief of the Board for CWK Oper-ator (a private business which for the last three years has been managing the G2A Arena by re-quest of the County Government); perhaps you could reflect on this from the perspective of how the structure in question has functioned over... Read more
,,Risk is the result of being unaware of your actions”. – Warren Edward Buffet Recently there has been an in.flow ef money anto the market, which was previously detracted by Poles Jrom the banks which once were called institutions ef public trust” and then became brokers ef every possible... Read more
Now how can you be a feminist?
FeuilletonsInvestments 13 June 2019
The observation of the world does not give us uniform answers, as is the current case with civil rights. Yes, women can vote, work, and be independent. Office buildings are full of women implementing their carrier paths – beautiful, educated, and able. Many women put their bets on running... Read more
What is investing in gold really?
InvestmentsKnowledge 13 June 2019
Lately gold has consumed the attention of investors. This metal is commonly referred to as an alternative investment, yet is it really something new or exotic enough in relation to the “good old” stocks, obligations, bonds and currencies, to call it “alternative”? A SHORT HISTORY OF GOLD Gold was... Read more
The New Face of Hypnotherapy in Poland
Knowledge 13 June 2019
When you think of hypnotherapy, then you will likely have an image come to mind straight out of Holly-wood, where the client lays on a sofa, and the therapist swings a watch before their eyes and causing the client to tell them their life story. There is nothing further... Read more
Uczestnicy Forum Liderów Rozwoju 26 lutego uczyli się skutecznych technik sprzedaży, zarządzania i motywacji!
Events 12 June 2019
Four incredible speakers and coaches, a major injection of substantive knowledge and motivation, and over three hundred participants – that is an abbreviated version of how things went at the Developmental Leaders Forum (FLR) conference on February 26th, 2019 at the G2A Arena. February 26th at the G2A Arena... Read more