Businessman TOday
Ancient Chinese practice in business. Feng shui expert on how to take care of tradition and clients Ancient Chinese practice in business. Feng shui expert on how to take care of tradition and clients
Renowned international feng shui expert and author Jin Peh talks about the application of Chinese tradition in business and how it helps his corporate... Ancient Chinese practice in business. Feng shui expert on how to take care of tradition and clients

Renowned international feng shui expert and author Jin Peh talks about the application of Chinese tradition in business and how it helps his corporate clients. His book “Praktyczne wskazówki feng shui” will soon be published in Polish.

You have written a book on feng shui that focuses on the practical application of this Chinese tradition. What is its application in business?

Jin Peh, feng shui expert: With regard to buisness, feng shui focuses on the wealth sector of the office and also the wealth sector for the year. The Wealth sector for the office is determined on the orientation, i.e. which direction it faces and also when it was constructed or built. The Wealth sector for the year is calculated from a formula that is used by feng shui masters called the Flying Stars. For 2024, the wealth sector is located in the South West. When the wealth sector of the year is identified, it can be stimulated by activity. The wealth sector of the office does not change from year to year, so the most important people of the business can be located there.

Is it accepted in Chinese culture to consult a feng shui expert when you start your business or when you have problems with the business you are running?

Yes in East Asia, feng shui experts are consulted when a business starts or they come in for a yearly review to see if there have been changes internally or within the immediate external environment that may have had an impact on the feng shui. Feng shui experts are also asked to choose an appropriate office to move into where they consider both the overall layout and shape of the office and also the building in which it is located. Advice is also given as to which staff members can sit in which location within the office. 

In your practice as a feng shui consultant, do you have many business, corporate clients?

Yes I have had some corporate clients who hire me to come and review their office yearly as the energy changes every year.  I have also advised executives on how their office should be laid out and in which direction their desk should face and where they should sit when conducting important meetings. It is important to do some discreet changes so that competitors will not be aware that a feng shui expert was called in. This way, my clients can maintain their edge over their rivals.

Do you remember any particular cases where the application of feng shui brought spectacular results?

I was called to help choose a new office for a corporate client from a list. We visited three and I chose the one that was most appropriate. After they moved to the new office, their business really improved over the next few years with very good results. I also helped a director of sales with locating the wealth sector yearly. There was one year that he forgot to consult me and business was very flat that first month of the Chinese new year. After I was called in and identified the annual wealth sector, his sales picked up once again. He called me every year after that just before the Chinese New Year started. 

I have also been called in to assess the harmony of an office. I found out that some of the staff had consulted feng shui experts who had advised them to make some changes to their desks which affected the overall atmosphere of the office. These individuals had used feng shui to give them a competitive advantage over their colleagues and were causing issues. By identifying what they had done to their work stations, I was able to redress the situation and unfortunately, these employees had to leave their positions due to their work performance as well. 

What does your work as a feng shui expert look like from the practical side – what do you do when a client hires you?

When a client hires me, I have to do some research on the staff members by looking at their Chinese astrology charts, i.e. the hour, day, month and year of birth. I can then identify if they are having a good year or are in a good period of their lives. I can also see if which colleagues are compatible with each other or are team players.

I like to visit the office discreetly during the weekend when there are no staff members present in order to discuss the feng shui situation with the main manager who has hired me. I use my Chinese compass or luopan to assess the orientation of the office and then make my calculations. It is important to walk around the office and see what changes have been made since my previous visit. I advise them if they want to add any new work stations or identify the problematic areas where there have been a high turnover of staff.

While it is good to have a plan of the office, it is always better to see and walk around the place myself. Video calling can only go so far.  

In addition, you write books, conduct workshops – in which of these areas do you feel most comfortable?

I enjoy writing books as it is a good way to share my experience and advise clients and students. It is something that I can leave behind in the years to come. I also enjoy conducting workshops and classes. My classes are very interactive and I always welcome questions from the students. I feel that teaching has to be a two way street. If the student does not ask any questions, it shows me that they may not have been processing or understanding fully what I have said. I enjoy both writing and workshops. Writing is more solitary and quiet and workshops allow me to share what I have written with others.

What are the most common mistakes people make when trying to incorporate feng shui into their lives?

Some clients lose perspective with regard to feng shui. They think that by using Feng Shui they do not have to do anything else, i.e. focus on their work, essentially thinking that Feng Shui is a short cut to success. It isn’t . The Chinese believe that there are three influences in life, heaven, earth and man. Heaven Influence or Luck is what has been given to you in this life, it can be seen from the astrology chart, as well as the family background and educational opportunities of a person. Man Luck is a person’s hard work, approach, attitude, behaviour, principles, philosophies and actions in their lives. Earth Luck is the influence of the environment in which a person lives or works. This is where feng shui comes in to assist the person. So it is just one third of the overall equation. It is not everything but sometimes, some people feel that feng shui is not working for them when they have stopped having a more active approach to their work or business.

Are there any other ancient Chinese practices that are close to your heart or ones you would like to explore in the future?

I see my Chinese doctor for accupuncture treatment. I am also teaching about the I Ching, the Chinese book of changes that gives advice on how to approach certain aspects or situations of my life. I hope to teach more I Ching classes in the future as I really enjoy the deep philosophy within it. And of course, I always enjoy a good meal in a Chinese restaurant.
