A term, which will last for the rest of your life. About conscious learning.
Feuilletons 3 February 2017 Krzysztof Sadecki
A Master’s degree in hand may be a coveted end of education for some. For others it is the beginning of conscious learning. One thing is certain: it is not the choice of field of study that is the most important, but this one moment of consciousness in which we take responsibility for what we learn. Especially just after the defending our thesis. When you ask yourself what you are going to do when you don’t have to do anything?
All the syllabus books which you will never read
Hardly any eighteen year old is one hundred percent sure of their decision to choose a field of study. The main arguments are the preliminary interest in the field or vision of a thriving profession. Probably at that age you do not think about that fact that some professions may not stop being viable over the next five years. Another issue arises here. Many occupations require continuous learning and updating knowledge and students forget about meticulously counting the end of five years Masters’ study. Eric Parsloe and Caroline Allen, authors of the book “Learning for Earning” considerably highlighted the pace of change that is occurring in the world today in their publications. Information and skills are losing their usefulness and relevance at an incredible rate and taking over responsibility for the state of one’s own knowledge seems to be almost an inevitable obligation, especially given that the forecast is that only people who will be able to outrun the pace of the changes will remain on the labour market.
The private and independent ‘Magazine of Knowledge’
This is for all those who consciously want to guide their learning and not only for students with pangs of conscience. To create your ‘Magazine of Knowledge’ you have to start from the beginning reflecting on the areas we already know. The second step is to make a list of issues that we would like to know e.g. coded learning, design, the secrets of speed reading, mind mapping, financing startups or the history of design. Faced with such a wishful list, choose to start with one area and devote a certain amount of time to it. It may be an hour a day for a month. Place any notes on file, store any articles on the topic in a computer or even register on a course that will further deepen your knowledge.
It is important to develop the habit of self-discipline in applying such learning. It is necessary to relate back to the ‘Magazine of Knowledge’ every now and then in order to remember everything we have accumulated. Repetition is reportedly the best accessory to memory.
Activities in higher education in future could use the ‘Magazine of Knowledge’. Each student brings their file, talks about its content, defends their own arguments and thereby expands the horizons of their peers. Maybe then instead of having learned exam students, we would have a culture of young people responsible for their knowledge and learning for themselves just to be a better entrepreneur or a well-earning employee. Fortunately, with the issue of conscious education, much can be done in your own way and without a school bell.
Przeczytaj ten artykuł w wersji polskiej: http://www.businessmantoday.org/semestr-ktory-be…-swiadomej-nauce/
Krzysztof Sadecki
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